The classic mountain tea that was not missing from any house in the past and was the first decoction that one prepared for the common cold, is slowly finding its place scientifically among the beneficial drinks for the body.
It has been known in Greece since antiquity and is mentioned by Theophrastus, 372-287 BC. and Dioscorides in the 10th AD. century.
The scientific name Sideritis comes from the Greek word “iron”, due to its ability to heal wounds caused by iron weapons of the time or the high iron content of the plant.
- Helps digestion
- Anxiolytic
- Analgesic
- Antioxidant
- It is beneficial for the blood vessels of the heart
- Prevents the appearance of osteoporosis
- Its healing and anti-rheumatic action. Helps prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease, depression and (anxiety) disorders
The cultivation is strictly organic, without the use of insecticides or other artificial substances in accordance with the terms and specifications imposed by the European Union and the certification company biohellas.
How to drink!
Hot: boil the water first and just before it boils, remove it from the heat, then pour in the mountain tea, leave it for 3 ‘- 4’, strain it and drink it.
Cold: after letting it become a hot decoction, wait for it to cool a bit and beat it with ice cubes in the shaker. Serve plain, with honey, or with honey and lemon.
It should also be noted that Olympus mountain tea, unlike the rest, can be easily consumed even at night before bed as it has no stimulating effect.