It is the most traditional pasta made in Greece. Hylopites the Greek noodles, is a typical, traditionally homemade kind of pasta that brings back rustic memories of the Greek province and of big, family dinners in the village.
Where and how they are produced
In every corner of Greece, we will find variations in place. Primarily, however, noodles are made with eggs, flour and milk. Usually milk is goat. In some places they also put meal, while some do not use eggs.
The noodles are usually cut into small or even smaller pieces. Traditionally, after being cut, they spread on sheets and they are left to dry for 2-3 days, stirring them where and where. Nowadays, of course, their manufacturers use more modern tools both for preparing and cutting and for drying out.
How do we enjoy them?
They are the perfect companion to a beefsteak or chicken. They easily take the place of spaghetti in recipes that require small pasta, while plain with some oil and cheese is the perfect, light dish.